A Thread Lift, also known as a Non-Surgical Facelift, is a great non-surgical treatment if you’re wanting to lift, enhance and define the contours of your face without surgery.
The Thread Lift Facelift is unique in that the lifting is done in real-time, giving you the opportunity during the procedure to view the degree of lifting.
During your treatment, a very fine thread is placed just under your skin. The specially designed thread is then used to lift and reposition your skin, resulting in tighter and more defined contours. With time, the threads are replaced by collagen and dissolve, leaving behind additional collagen to help boost facial volume.
The Thread Lift Facelift takes approximately 1 hour and can last for up to 3-5 years. The procedure is minimally invasive, meaning there is no cutting/major trauma to the skin and no scarring with minimal downtime. To ensure you have a relaxed and comfortable experience, the Thread Lift is performed under a local anaesthetic.
The ideal candidate for a Thread Lift is someone who has sagging or loose skin and is seeking a refreshed appearance without having unnecessary downtime and expense related to traditional surgical facelift.
Once the local anaesthetic is effective, tiny threads are inserted gently underneath the skin in the areas you want lifted.
Over time, the threads are absorbed and replace with a network of collagen around, creating a secondary tightening of the skin which can last several years.
A Thread Lift creates support and lifts your skin for years to come. In addition to the lift effect, the Thread Lift can create new skin smoothness with improved skin colour, skin tone, texture and hydration. Typically the procedure takes around one hour and you can return home immediately after.
The benefits of a Thread Lift can last for several years depending on the areas treated and how you respond.
Your doctor may also recommend a Thread Lift in combination with other treatments such as fat transfer to face, dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections depending on your needs.
The majority of patients resume normal social activities within a week. Your doctor will advise you on this point as there are some follow up requirements to ensure the best result.
Some local discomfort or light pain may occur; this can be treated with oral analgesics. Sometimes local bruising may be evident. Cold compresses may be used for the first 24 hours.
It’s common to have this procedure combined with other cosmetic procedures such as anti-wrinkle treatment to reduce facial muscle activity, dermal fillers or fat to enhance skin volume, and/or laser therapy to improve skin texture and collagen formation. Ask your doctor for more information.