What you need to know – Breast Implant Illness – Symptoms and Statistics


Posted: 7/08/2020

Author: Run


What you need to know – Breast Implant Illness – Symptoms and Statistics

First of all, we think it’s incredible and commendable that you are reaching out and doing your research on Breast Implant Illness. Whether you are thinking about undergoing breast augmentation surgery or you’ve previously had the surgery, and you want to know more about complications that can occur. At Cosmetic Avenue, we believe it is of dire importance to inform our clients and ensure they choose a path that is right for them.

What is Breast Implant Illness?

Breast Implant Illness or BII is a vast range of symptoms that are said to be linked to breast augmentation surgery. Though it is not scientifically connected, we can’t ignore the Breast Implant Illness statistics and the voice of the people.

In this article, we will discuss the current research on topics such as;

Breast Implant Illness Symptoms
The Cause of Breast implant Illness
Diagnosis and Treatment of BII
Breast Implant Illness Statistics
Breast Augmentation Surgery Safety

The Symptoms of Breast Implant Illness

Since 1999 the number of women receiving breast augmentation surgery has tripled. Coinciding with the growing number of operations, there has been an increased report of Breast Implant Illness (BII). Over the last five years, there has been a surge in social media platform groups, made up of females that have received the surgery rallying together and demanding action, with one particular group reaching 100,000 members. Upon their report to FDA, such symptoms were disclosed;

Chest pain
Hair loss
Chronic pain
Body odour
Brain fog
Sleep disturbance
Neurologic issues
Hormonal issues

These symptoms are just reports and have not medically been linked by doctors or health authorities but that doesn’t mean they aren’t taken seriously. At Cosmetic Avenue, we advise and encourage women to speak up about their symptoms so that we can help in finding a resolution.

The Cause of Breast Implant Illness

So why are these symptoms happening? Though studies are unclear Doctors and scientists believe that there are three reasons for these symptoms;

  • the body’s inflammatory reaction to a foreign object
  • the body’s response to specific components of breast implants, such as silicone
  • the body’s response to particular approaches to the insertion of breast implants and surgical techniques

“BII is a cluster of symptoms that don’t fit into any other classic disease diagnosis,” says Diana Zuckerman, Ph.D., president of the National Center for Health Research “but overall the symptoms have been connected to autoimmune and connective tissue disorders, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and scleroderma”.

Lupus is a defect in the immune system causing harm to healthy tissue instead of bacteria and viruses. Symptoms include inflammation to areas like the heart, kidneys, lungs, joints, and skin.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis Is an inflammation of the joints. Common to most autoimmune diseases, the immune system mistakes the body’s cells, for foreign organisms like bacteria and viruses. In this circumstance, the body attacks the Synovium, which is the lining of the joints. The inflammation of the synovium results in swelling, redness and joint aches.

Scleroderma is a disease that provokes an increased production of collagen, affecting the connective tissue resulting in the tightening and hardening to both the connective tissues and the skin. In more severe cases, Scleroderma can affect internal organs, blood vessels and the digestive tract. The disease is hereditary, and it can be triggered by pre-existing autoimmune diseases such as Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Another cause of Breast Implant Illness can be a ruptured implant resulting in leakage into the connective tissue and in some cases, the body. On average, the rate of rupture, according to the U.S Institute of Health, sits at 5.6%. The rupture generally occurs ten years after the procedure.

Diagnosis and treatment of BII

Unfortunately, there is no set procedure in diagnosing BII and in the past, there has been a void of information on the Illness. Allowing your surgeon at Cosmetic Avenue to monitor your progression is vital; with frequent check-ups and analysis, we can pick up on abnormalities prematurely.

It is the surgeon’s job to rule out any other possibilities before undergoing implant removal. That consists of testing for Arthritis and Lyme disease along with any pre-existing autoimmune disorders. Once the process of elimination is finished, Implant removal is considered.

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery conducted a small study of 100 women that received the breast implant removal procedure; 89 % of women showed signs of improvement.

The Statistics on Breast Implant Illness

  • The risk of complications according to the FDA (Food and Drug Association) for breast augmentation patients is 1%, this is very low. The procedure itself is very safe, but just like any surgeries, in rare circumstances, the human body can react negatively.
  • Upon self-diagnosis of Breast Implant Illness, 89% of women resorted to implant removal and noticed an improvement.
  • 20 % of women turn to implant removal.
  • Women with silicone-filled implants are approximately six times more likely to be diagnosed with Sjögren Syndrome, Scleroderma and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  • 5.6% rupture rate for women with breast implants

Research into BII is an ongoing journey with new information and studies occurring yearly, and the heightened awareness is exponential. Women must understand every aspect of the procedure.

The Safety of Breast Augmentation Surgery

In recent years there has been a continuous influx of bad light shed on breast augmentation surgery, leaving people with implants feeling anxious and people on the fence left confused and unsure. It is critical to remember that this type of surgery is the most common of cosmetic surgeries with thousands successfully performed in Australia every month.

Just like any other surgery, there are risks involved but consulting our experienced staff here at Cosmetic Avenue for medical advice is crucial to exploring your horizons and understanding the details on breast augmentation surgery.


Breast Implant Illnesses: What’s the Evidence?,implants%2C%20respectively%20%5B3%5D.

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