Fixing a square jaw with Anti-Wrinkle Injections


Posted: 7/06/2021

Author: cosmeticavenue


Fixing a square jaw with Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Fixing a square jaw with Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Bruxism is the condition of teeth grinding and clenching of the jaw. It can happen consciously, subconsciously, it can happen asleep (sleep bruxism) and awake (awake bruxism). Teeth clenching and grinding can have many physical complications including dental issues, headaches, tooth sensitivity, toothaches a sore neck, aching jaw muscle, sleep loss and square jaw.

At Cosmetic Avenue, we can correct the jawline by using anti-wrinkle injections to relax the masseter muscle (jaw muscle) and the temporalis muscle (near the temple), removing the most physically noticeable side effects of Bruxism, square jaw

Topics of Discussion

  • What is Bruxism?
  • What Causes Bruxism?
  • What are the Signs and Symptoms of Bruxism?
  • How to Treat Bruxism and Square Jaw
  • How do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Help?

What is Bruxism

Definition – Bruxism

Involuntary habitual teeth grinding, typically during sleep.

What Causes Bruxism

Stress – In most cases, Bruxism is a result of stress and anxiety. When we are asleep, our brain is still active, excluding the two hours of deep sleep the average human experiences. Whilst our mind is active during sleep, it is processing the collection of our thoughts, experiences and worries. If you are someone that is continuously experiencing stress and anxiety, your brain will go into overdrive trying to process such heavy content.

When humans are nervous, anxious or deep in thought, our nervous twitches and habits come out because our conscious state of mind is no longer present. Such habits also come out when we are sleeping; the brain can no longer focus on filtering through the information received during the day resulting in a malfunction and physical tension.

Age – Bruxism is prevalent in children, while this can cross over into feeling stressed or worried; it is also because of teething. Similar to an adult rubbing sore muscles after a workout, children grind and clench their teeth to relieve pain. Though for some the issue is eradicated with age, in other cases the habitual motion can prove difficult to break.

Sleep Bruxism affects 15% to 40% of children compared to 8% to 10% of adults.

Medication – studies show that bruxism can be a side effect of antidepressants and medicine that helps in balancing serotonin and dopamine levels like Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil.

Other recreational drugs are known to affect the individual’s nervous system resulting in teeth clenching, teeth grinding and jaw clenching. Though it usually only affects the individual while the drug is in their system, repetitive use can bring on habits that continue in everyday life.

Disorders – Bruxia has been linked to pre-existing conditions that target the nervous system and the mind such as;

  • Parkinson’s
  • Dementia
  • Acid reflux ( Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder (GERD))
  • ADHD, (atention- defecite/hyperactivity disorder)
  • Epilepsy

Hereditary – Bruxism is hereditary, which means it can run in the family. If the causes above don’t seem to relate to your situation, it might be a good idea to ask around the family to see if anyone else experiences this condition.

Sometimes people who experience bruxism are awake, and it’s easy to identify the problem. But how do you determine the symptoms if you are asleep?

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Bruxism

  • your partner might hear you grinding and teeth clenching
  • You may experience broken sleep
  • Feeling tired or exhausted, even though you are going to bed early
  • If it has been going on for a while, you might have flattened, chipped or loose teeth
  • Loss of enamel
  • Sensitivity, toothache and pain
  • Loss of motion in your jaw also known as lockjaw
  • Sore neck, jaw muscles or pain in the face
  • Headaches
  • Pain that seems to be located in the ear
  • Bite marks on the inside of your cheeks
  • Square jawline
  • Change in facial shape

How to Treat Bruxism and Square Jaw

The correct treatment for teeth grinding and teeth clenching depends on the diagnosis. One of the first things that people with bruxism notice is physical pain, usually in the jaw and teeth. The first point of call is to see your dentist, and they can determine the immediate damage. You may be referred to a sleep medicine specialist that will help in regulating your sleep patterns so that your brain is not working overtime during sleep.

Once you have discovered the foundations of the condition, you can start to work towards the physical effects that Bruxism has impacted. The increased movement of the jaw can result in the growth of the masseter muscle (hypertrophy), which appears as a square Jaw.

While Hypertrophy is not a painful condition unlike some other effects of bruxism, it can cause a lot of damage on an emotional level. Individuals that experience square jaw can develop insecurities and lose confidence in themselves. Cosmetic Avenue provides the perfect solution; Anti-wrinkle injections.

How do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Help?

Anti-wrinkle injections or muscle relaxing injections help reduce the squareness of the jaw. The masseter muscle and the temporalis muscle can relax, resulting in a reduction of size.

Depending on the severity of the condition 20-50 units of anti-wrinkle injections are applied per side. After the procedure, you will start to notice results in just 1 week and it lasts for up to eight months.

We believe that anyone suffering from Bruxism has been through so much already. The process of overcoming the condition can be a difficult journey, but in a lot of cases, successful and rewarding. No individual that has experienced the condition should have to live with the side effects.

Book your consultation today and make the first step into improving your mental and physical well-being.


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