Breast Reduction Surgery


Posted: 29/12/2020

Author: Run


Breast Reduction Surgery

What’s Involved with a Breast Reduction Surgery?

There are lots of questions around Breast Reduction Surgery that are frequently asked. Cosmetic Avenue suggests that seeing a consultant with any concerns or queries is the most practical step towards experiencing the progress of the procedure. If you’re still in research stages and you’re not quite ready to move forwards yet, read on to find the answer to questions like; what are the breast reduction weight requirements? Is breast reduction a major surgery? Am I a candidate for the procedure? How long does it take to recover from breast reduction surgery? And how many sizes can you go down in breast reduction surgery? You don’t have to live in pain any longer the answers lie ahead.

Table of Content

What is Breast Reduction Surgery and How Does it Work?

How Many Sizes Can You Go Down in Breast Reduction Surgery?

What are the Breast Reduction Weight Requirements, and Am I a Candidate?

Is Breast Reduction a Major Surgery?

How Long Does it Take to Recover From Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast Reduction Surgery Costs

What is Breast Reduction Surgery and How Does it Work?

Breast reduction surgery is a procedure that removes excess glandular tissue, skin and breast fat. Reasons for the procedure vary, some women experience physical pain from the lack of proportion to their body. For others, it’s the restrictions that come with having large breasts like difficulty in exercising or discomfort in social situations. The most important thing to consider is your happiness. You deserve to feel fantastic about your body no matter the circumstances. Whether you’re going for a jog down the street or having a drink with the girls, consider what a breast reduction could do for your well-being.

There are three different breast reduction techniques that Cosmetic Avenue apply; the method suitable to you is discussed in the consultation prior to the procedure.

Lollipop Incision

Also known as Le Jour and the Vertical Incision method, it is the newer of the two techniques used in Breast Reduction Surgery. It involves two incisions:

● The first incision is made around the border of the areola to reposition the areola and nipple.
● The second incision is made from the bottom of the areola to the breast fold.

Anchor Incision

Also known as “Inverted-T method”, the Anchor Incision Breast Reduction method means the incision is made around the areola, down the middle of the breast and across the breast fold.
In the case of this procedure, the lower and central breast tissue around the areola is preserved. Outer, inner and upper breast tissues are removed.

Repositioning the Nipples and Removing Excess Breast Tissue

Breast Reduction Surgery allows you not only to reduce the size and weight of your breasts but also to reposition the nipples to be more in line with the overall shape of your breasts. How is this achieved?

● The surgery starts with incisions, through which excess breast tissue and fat will be removed (which allows for lifting and re-shaping of your breasts).
● Then, if needed, liposuction is used to reduce chest area around breasts.
● At this point, your nipples remain attached but are repositioned. Furthermore, as the size of your breasts is now smaller, the areola is reduced.

How Many Sizes Can You Go Down in Breast Reduction Surgery?

While it’s common for most patients to go down 1-2 cup sizes, every woman’s body is completely different. During the consultation with your Surgeon, you will discuss what measures need to be taken.

What are the Breast Reduction Weight Requirements, and Am I a Candidate?

The breast reduction weight requirements to receive mammoplasty (breast reduction surgery), require your weight to remain stable (between 5kg) for 12 months.
There are several things to take into consideration before deciding to move forwards with breast reduction surgery. In your first consultation with your surgeon, the discussion on whether you are a candidate for the procedure will take place. There are a few things to keep in mind going into the consultation.
Surgeons recommend waiting until breast development, childbirth and breastfeeding have stopped before undertaking the procedure. During pregnancy, the size of the breasts can increase dramatically, affecting the reduction surgery. The incision around the areola can affect the success of breastfeeding, which is why the surgeon may suggest waiting until the early motherhood years have consummated.

Deciding whether or not you are a candidate for the procedure also comes down to personal experience. A lot of women considering the surgery experience neck, shoulder and back pain due to the disproportion and weight of the breasts pulling them forwards and down. Painful bra strap indentations and skin irritation beneath the inframammary folds are also symptoms that point towards a potential candidate for breast reduction surgery. Other attributes of a potential candidate include:

● You’re in good physical health
● Physical activity is limited by your breasts
● Stretch marks or low hanging breasts
● Increased size in areola due to stretched skin
● Not a smoker or have quit smoking
● You have attained realistic expectations about the surgery

Attaining realistic expectations going into the surgery is crucial, the ideas and expectations that some women perceive are not always a reality. For some, the recovery process can be challenging and time-consuming, taking up to a week off work and 4-6 weeks total healing time. But you’re headed in the right direction, you’re doing the research and that’s the first step!

Is Breast Reduction a Major Surgery?

Breast reduction is a major surgery due to the nature of the recovery process and the invasive surgical elements. The surgery takes up to four hours and is performed under general anesthesia administered through medication and a breathing mask. Though the surgery is invasive you’ll be asleep and unaware.

How Long Does it Take to Recover From Breast Reduction Surgery?

The recovery process is different for everyone but generally allow for 4-6 weeks of healing time. You’ll see results immediately but there may be residual bruising and swelling from the surgery. After the 4-6 week period, you will start to see the final result.

Doing as little as possible during the recovery period is important, that means no heavy lifting or excess physical activity (directed at the gym junkies). As well as physical reactions like pain, swelling and bruising it’s typical for some women to have an emotional reaction as well. Dealing with a major surgery can take its toll and Cosmetic Avenue encourages women to discuss these hardships in their follow up appointments.

As mentioned previously, you should plan to take a week off work. During the first few days of recovery, you will find every-day tasks quite challenging. Having your partner, friend or relative to assist you in these tasks will be extremely beneficial and will help speed up the recovery. During this uncomfortable period, your surgeon will prescribe pain killers and instructions on when to take them. Follow up appointments to remove stitches and change bandages will be made for you.

Breast Reduction Surgery Costs

The cost of breast reduction surgery includes the surgeon fee, anaesthetist’s fee, hospital costs, and all post-operative visits.

The cost of breast reduction surgery can sometimes be partly covered by Medicare and private health insurance as it is considered reconstructive. Look into your health insurance policies or request an appointment to discuss such matters.


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