The breakdown and absorption of the dietary fat is enhanced and sped up by a compound that naturally occurs in the body.
After its injection under the chin, it breaks down the fat cells, which are then absorbed and eliminated by the body. In this way, it works as a double chin treatment.
As every jawline is different, we treat every Jawline Sculpting treatment individually. This means that the number of injections, as well as the number of sessions, differs for every patient. These variables are adjusted to the anatomy of each patient, in order to provide the best, customised results.
After your initial, 30-minute consultation, where you discuss your expectations and suitability, you will proceed with your personalised Jawline Sculpting program. It consists of two initial sessions, 30-60 minutes long.
Sessions are always spaced between four to six weeks apart, and for optimum results, up to six sessions may be required. Post-treatment downtime varies from patient to patient, but it is natural for some swelling and discomfort to be present.
Contact us to find out more.
If you’re interested in using a Payment Plan to pay for your treatment or procedure upfront and pay it back over time, we offer payment plans through independent providers Zip Money and TLC.