Enhance the shape of your jawline for a more defined appearance.
MalvernMelbourne, VIC BerwickMelbourne, VIC NewtownGeelong, VIC HamptonMelbourne, VIC
Achieve a youthful, radiant look without the need for surgery. Our treatments provide a non-invasive way to regain your youthful, radiant self.
As we age, it’s natural for the skin to lose volume because our bodies produce less collagen and elastin. This results in a tired, sunken appearance. Our treatments work to re-volumise and hydrate the face, helping you regain a fresh, youthful look.
Address the development of lip lines over time, improving their appearance and symmetry.
As the cheek fat pads start to drop with age, our treatments help define your cheekbones and restore volume to these areas.
Reduce the visibility of these folds that run from the sides of your nose to the corners of your mouth, giving you a more youthful look.
Counteract the sagging of the lower face by redefining the jawline and restoring facial balance.
Lift the downturned corners of your mouth, which can give a sad and aged look, and restore a more youthful appearance.
Different treatments are tailored for different facial areas to achieve the best results. Softer areas, such as the lips, require products that create subtle and natural outcomes, while areas needing structural reinforcement, like the lateral cheeks or jaw, require denser solutions.
Combining these treatments with other cosmetic procedures can reduce visible signs of aging and help prevent new wrinkles from forming, offering a comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation.
Contact us to find out more.
If you’re interested in using a Payment Plan to pay for your treatment or procedure upfront and pay it back over time, we offer payment plans through independent providers Zip Money and TLC.