Types of Breast Augmentation Surgeries [Listed Guide]


Posted: 7/08/2020

Author: Ahmad


Types of Breast Augmentation Surgeries [Listed Guide]

Deciding to get breast augmentation surgery or a ‘boob job’ can be daunting, there are probably a lot of questions circling your cranium, like; what are the different kinds of surgical procedures? What type of implant is the ideal implant? What is the ideal cup size? Well, breast augmentation surgery doesn’t have to be an intimidating process, but that’s not to say the decision should be taken lightly!

Here is a listed guide through the crucial details of breast augmentation surgery that will help you choose what is best for your body and mind.

How big should your breast implants be?

The ideal implant size is the most crucial factor; you want to make sure you’re getting a size that aesthetically suits you and physically suits your anatomy. In most cases, women want an enhanced look that doesn’t appear unnaturally large.

The breast implants are measured in cubic centimetres (ccs), varying from 100 cc to 800 cc. Don’t worry, you won’t be handed a catalogue and sent into the theatre with a high five; at Cosmetic Avenue, acute and meticulous care is provided in helping you decide what is perfect for your body. There are several techniques for ensuring perfection, including; a range of before and afters from similar body types. And to get a feel for physicality, a scale of implant sizers (100-800) to try on.

Being honest and expressing your emotions and queries with your surgeon is vital to attaining the perfect sized breast implant for your body.

Types Of Breast Implants

A big question that a lot of women are asking themselves is, silicone filling or saline? Well to truly feel confident in your decision you have to know the difference, right?

Saline implants are made of sterile saline which effectively is saltwater, high in salt means no chance for bacteria. The incision for saline is smaller and it’s said to get an even more accurate result because the implants are filled with the solution after they are placed.

Though slightly more expensive silicone implants are said to have a more natural feel and look in comparison to saline. These implants are placed in the body fully filled, and the silicone gel is specifically fashioned to replicate human fat.

Textured Implant or Smooth Surface?

The surface of your implant hasn’t got anything to do with the final tactile result, but there are a range of reasons to why you may choose either option.

  • One of the main reasons that people choose textured implants over the smooth implant is because it is less likely to move in the pocket as the surface grips to the connective breast tissue. A textured surface also helps in avoiding excess scar tissue developing around the implant.
  • Recent studies have shown a higher percentage of people diagnosed with Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) had textured implants. It was argued to be a result of the higher (textured) surface area for potential bacterial growth leading to infection which 1 in 84,000 cases can lead to BIA-ALCL. However, the statistics alone could not prove that the implants were to blame. Though the odds are minute, these are the considerations and details a good surgeon will walk you through.
  • Smooth implants lower the rate of rupture, but have a thinner shell, making them softer than textured implants. Additionally, to date, there have been no cases of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) with Smooth implants.
  • Textured Implants were initially designed to reduce capsular contracture (formation of hard scar tissue). Still, recent studies have shown that the rate of capsular contracture is quite low even with both varying implants.

Breast Implant Shapes

There are two different shaped implant options; round and anatomical (teardrop).

Round Breast Implants
Round breast implants, quite self-explanatory, are a symmetrical implant that comes in a smooth or textured surface. Round implants are rumoured to look unnatural, but this is a false accusation as radiographic imaging has shown professionals that once the implants are in a vertical position, they take on a natural breast shape similar to the anatomical or contoured implant.

Anatomical Implant
Commonly known as the teardrop implant this shape has recently become very popular in cosmetic augmentation. Anatomical means ‘relating to the body’s structure’ and its origins were to help with breast reconstruction. Still, given its natural aesthetics, it has proven a success in general areas of breast augmentation.

Anatomical implants only come in textured surfaces because if the placement was to shift, there is a chance the implant could be asymmetrical. This procedure is slightly more expensive in comparison to the round implant, and you must be partnered with a surgeon that has experience with anatomical implants as the placement needs to be precise.

Different Types of Surgical Incisions

There are four variations of breast augmentation surgery incisions.

The Transaxillary incision is made at the armpit veiling scars exceptionally well. This method was developed for certain darker skin tones that are prone to prominent scar tissue.

Inframmary is one of the most commonly used techniques. The incision is made in the crease under the breast but it is only pragmatic if your inframmary fold is pronounced. Silicone implants are preferred with the Inframmary incision because it better exposes the breast tissue-pectoralis muscle interface.

Trans-Umbilical Breast Augmentation (TUBA)
TUBA is made through the naval area. Like Transaxillary, the saline implant is the only option available as the incision and path to the breast is small. The implant is taken to the breast where the saline is added upon placement.

This particular incision is made at the bottom half of the areola. The method is specific to patients with undefined inframmary folds or patients prone to thick scarring.

Making the Right Decision

At Cosmetic Avenue, we understand cosmetic augmentation is a big step, and we want to ensure that you are making the right choice; content in mind, body and soul. Consulting the right surgeon is vital in discussing and finding the correct solution. You don’t have to make the decision alone.

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